About Us
personal - motivated - individual
NeutralAir belongs to PMI Labortechnik GmbH
Our air purifiers with UV-C lamp belong to the elite on the market. We are always striving to use the latest technologies and still offer affordable products.The company PMI Labortechnik GmbH has been in existence since 2012 and has started building refrigerators, incubation rooms and refrigerators for the laboratory technology industry. Today we are a complete laboratory supplier with UV-C disinfection equipment for medicine, bio-laboratories, food production, pharmaceuticals and much more.
Green Drops hemp-oil
Green Drops is a swiss hemp oil producer, which has committed itself to the highest quality. You will find various organic hemp drops for oral use. Beside first-class quality, we also attach great importance to a pleasant hemp taste, which is not bitter.
Taste is not a secondary consideration...
... not if the hemp drops are taken daily.
Green Drops Homepage